RGT EI(1) 45 / EI(2) 60 & RGT EI(1) 60 / EI(2) 120 Metacon-Next

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    • tested in accordance with EN 1634-1 and EN 1634-3
    • classified according to EN 13501-2
    • validated cycle test in accordance with C2 (> 10.000 cycles)
    • CE marked in accordance with EN 13241 and EN 16034
    • only suitable for indoor / indoor situations
    • only to be used in case of calamity (‘waiting’ function)
    • mounting only possible on the wall / opening
    • permissible mounting surfaces include: aerated concrete, sand-lime brick, concrete, masonry, fire-resistant steel construction, metal stud wall
    • gravity failsafe tubular motor 230 V incl. control box
    • optical / acoustic signaling
    • galvanized steel side guides and cover box
    Options include
    • smoke-resistant version based on Sa or S200
    • emergency battery (UPS) for maintaining open position in the event of a power failure
    • galvanized steel parts powder coated in RAL color of choice
    • smoke detector for a stand-alone system
    • various switches
    classification fire resistance max. width max. height max. opening
    EI(1) 45 minutes 7.000 mm 7.000 mm ± 35 m²
    EI(2) 60 minutes 7.000 mm 7.000 mm ± 35 m²
    EW 120 minutes 7.000 mm 7.000 mm ± 35 m²
    EI(1) 60 minutes 7.000 mm 7.000 mm ± 24,5 m²
    EI(2) 120 minutes 7.000 mm 7.000 mm ± 24,5 m²
    EW 120 minutes 7.000 mm 7.000 mm ± 24,5 m²


    Due to continuous product development, we ask you to contact us for the current dimensions. Larger dimensions on request.

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